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我国水族贵州哈睢保健酒即将上市 助力精准扶贫

时间:2018-09-21 08:40:00 来源:

Hasui Health Wine from Guizhou Sui People is coming to market.


On September 21, the reporter learned from China Shuizu Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd that Guizhou Sui People Guizhou Hasui Health Wine products which are honored as "the noble coming from the ancient times" will go on sale in September. This medicine fills the blank of Guizhou "Shui Medicine" health wine in tonifying and strengthening kidney, dredging the channels and collaterals, promoting qi and blood and prolonging longevity and immunomodulation.

我国水族的酒文化与华夏酒文化一脉相承。水族《水书》记载,水族与中原汉族有特殊血脉关系,欢庆年节,无酒不成礼,出土于商代的陶器和青铜器中发现出土文物中以酒器为最多。《诗经》中“十月获稻、为此春酒”和“为此酒春,以介眉寿”的诗句。《礼记?礼器》记载商朝宗庙之祭,尊者举觯。距今四五千年之久的夏代酒尊竟为彩绘体“八角星纹”图,由四个水文字的“山”巧妙排成“山山相连”的八山太极之式,水书易为连山易之遗存,用 水书即可对此神图破解诠释。水族保健酒的历史文化、美丽传说和顽强的精神,不仅给人以 美的享受,而且给人以力量和智慧。

The wine culture of Shui People is the inheritance of Chinese wine culture. According to "Sui Script", ancestors of Shui People were closely related with the Han in the central plains. As the saying goes, no wine, no feast. Of all the pottery and bronzeware of the Shang Dynasty, drinking vessels are the most. Many historical books have records of drinking vessels. For instance, in The Book Of Songs, there are lines "In October, rice are collected to make mellow spring wine." "Chapter Li Qi" in "The Book of Rites" recorded the worship ceremonies of Shang Dynasty. One kind of "Li Qi" called "Zhi" were used by the nobles in ceremonial activities such as sacrifices and funerals. Four or five thousand years ago, in Xia Dynasty, drinking vessel had painted "octagonal star pattern" which was ingeniously composed of four figures in shape of "mountains" in the "Shui script". The health wine of Shui People has a long history and culture, beautiful legend and indomitable spirit, which not only gives people the enjoyment of beauty, but also allow people to learn from its strength and wisdom.


Guizhou Hasui health care liquor can be traced back to Shang Dynasty. It not only has a long historical origin and profound cultural connotation, but also strictly follows the traditional medicine health care concept "The balance of Yin and Yang". On the basis of inheriting Shui People’s natural heritage and traditional health preservation recipe, the product follows the rule of traditional Chinese medicinal liquor. It is made from 12 kinds of warm and cool medicinal herbs such as barbary wolfberry fruit and Semen Cuscutae. Besides, it uses Gaoliang wine as the base liquor. The active ingredients are extracted by modern biotechnology, through 72 processes, 600 days of brewage. The final product is fragrant with harmonious aroma of liquor and herbs, tastes mellow, full-bodied as well as shows great grace and mature charm. More importantly, it has remarkable medicinal value in dredging the meridian and vessels, promoting qi to activate blood, Juan Bi, warming yang for dispelling cold, and dispersing stagnated liver qi for relieving qi stagnation. Then patients will be in the good mood, thus the wine helps increase longevity and regulate immune system, and achieve a balance between Yin and Yang. There is no doubt that it is the first choice for people of Guizhou to treat customers in a banquet and the name card of health wine for minorities.


There are lines in poetry of Tang Dynasty: For friendship"s sake, empty another glass. You haven"t an old friend, west of Yang Pass. Suizu traditional medicine believes that timing of drinking is very vital. Guizhou Hasui Health Wine tastes better before bedtime at a proper amount, which leads to endless aftertaste. As long as we master the timing of tasting, we will get twice the result with half the effort. In Chinese medicine, spring represents wind, summer represents heat and dampness, autumn represents dryness, winter represents coldness. We believe, in windy spring, “Wind pathogen” is the most important cause of many diseases. Thus, drinking health wine can resists fatigue and enhances immunity. Summer represents heat and dampness, and pathogenic fire-heat tends to consume the body fluid and leads to the deficiency of it. It is called "syndrome of summer-heat injuring fluid and qi" in Chinese medicine. Thus, people should also insist on drinking health wine. Besides, studies found that when chilled, the wine will not only be tasty and refreshing, but also lower its molecular energy, which can promote the absorption of effective functional factors, so as to achieve better effects. For autumn and winter, it is easy to cause “Yang Qi deficiency”, thus, more suitable for drinking health wine. Drinking moderately for a long time, especially half an hour before bedtime, can fundamentally regulates the microcirculation of the body, and achieves the dynamic balance.


As the old saying goes, "In the market competition, who occupies the most advantageous raw material resources, who will dominate the future competition". Over the years, based on Guizhou"s excellent natural resources and focusing on ecological food, China Shuizu Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd and Guizhou Shuizu Hasui Pharmaceutical Health Products Co.,Ltd have developed an mature industrial development pattern. Guizhou Hasui Health Wine is the leading industry, and healthy food and beverages are auxiliary industries. Lin Kaizhong, consultant of China Shuizu Pharmaceutical Group Co, Ltd, said "On the happy festival, more than ever we think of our relatives far away". Sui People believe wine are used to adjust physiological functions, in ways of nourishing, strengthening and supplementing. Hasui Health Wine tastes mellow, fragrant with aroma of liquor and herbs, full-bodied. Moreover, it has remarkable medicinal value, such as in promoting qi to activate blood, dispersing stagnated liver qi for relieving qi stagnation and strengthening the kidney to stop nocturnal emission. The long-standing and traditional Shui People has absorbed the elites of all national culture. Sui People wine culture is the precious cultural heritage of the motherland, which develops the 7000 years" precious national special product, carries forward 3500 years" Chinese liquor culture."
